Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I am so excited that Rock climbing is shortlisted for the 2020 Olympic games!!!!!! YAY. The IOC (international Olympic Comittee) announced that it is 8th on the shortlist. The final Decision about which sport will be included will be announced in 2013.
The Original list had 12 sports on it, but the list was shortened to 8, the sports that were included were: wushu, karate, roller sports, softball, baseball, squash, wakebording, and most importantly rock climbing!
The 4 sports that were droped form the short list were: netball, bowling, surfing, and dancing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rock climbing would be such a cool sport to watch in the Olympics. I hope it gets picked to become an official Olympic sport. What kinds of events would there be? Would the rock climbing be on a rock wall or outdoors?